Thursday, July 26, 2007


I prefer a Wiki over most conventional browsing options. I have been using Wikipedia for awhile and will confess it to be a minor addiction. I like having different customized Wiki's. For instance, I like to use Wikipedia as an encyclopedia, while I would use a more detailed Wiki for other, more detailed information. I like many of the aspects of a Wiki.

What I really like about Wiki's:

1. The search bar to navigate a Wiki is very useful. It is so easy to get into a Wiki and search for any information one is looking for. If one searches through a Wiki he'll also find that multiple titles within the Wiki could be identical. However, if for example, a movie and a TV show had the same title they could be subcategorized (Film) and (TV).

2. Information on a single page. I enjoy that a Wiki will chronicle tons of information about a single subject on a single page. And, if more information is needed about within that page a link can be clicked to go further with that piece of information.

3. Breakdown of materials. Within a Wiki one could review a book by giving a review of the beginning, middle, and end. Or, a speech could be broken down into similar headings. Making a Wiki readable seems to be quite an easy task.

4. I like the appearance. I am more drawn to the appearance of a Wiki and therefore would rather work with a Wiki than a blog. While a blog at times feels cluttered and hard to navigate; I feel right at home with a Wiki.

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