Sunday, August 12, 2007

The end "23 Things"

So the 23 things are complete. I feel like I have seen some very useful tools and some tools I'll never think about again. My favorite of this journey would be With this program I began with an end in mind, which was really helpful. This was an enjoyable experience that didn't take a lot of time, while being easy to make strides. Something I was not expecting was enjoying writing this blog. I will continue to use my blog in the future. I don't have any opinion for changing the format and concept.

Social Networking

I was introduced to Facebook in 2005, and have use it every since. I am not in love with Facebook, but I think that some of the utilities and applications are particularly useful. I also feel that social networking sites like Facebook are the future of browsing. Think about it....someday one could get on Facebook to listen to/buy music, chat with friends, browse the news, and even search his local library. Facebook has an outstanding chance to be the 1 stop site for browsing.

I like some of the new Facebook applications. Some are useful, or interesting at the least. Some are junk that I would never fool with. I also prefer Facebook over Myspace because of the less cluttered feeling the appilcations present. On Facebook I chose where my applications are located, however, I don't go out and get a 3rd junked up page.

With the addition of the new applications I can see myself using Facebook more in the future. I don't really like to the nasty cloud Myspace has looming over its franchise. I prefer Facebook with its security and much more presentable layout.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


At the present time I am working diligently to get as many podcasts ready for the 2007-2008 school year as possible. I feel like I live in a world of podcasts sometimes. I believe that podcasting is a very useful tool that can reach people, or in our case patrons who may normally not be concerned with a topic. When you're playing around iTunes make sure to do a search for "Alden Library" and enjoy one of the podcasts.


YouTube is great to go back and see that funny part of the Awards Show the night before, or watch a commercial you can't get enough of. But, I wonder if most of the stuff YouTube does so well is even legal. All of this stuff has to have copyright backing somewhere. Most of the content that is public, or released to the public isn't that great. But, some of the commercials on YouTube are hilarious.

Monday, July 30, 2007


I wanted to mention a tool on the web that I believe is very useful. Zamzar is a program that can convert files from one format to other. The service is free and comes in handy when you, or a patron need to convert something from Word 2003/4 to Word 2007. I highly recommend taking a look at this service.

Web 2.0 Tools

I chose to look at Pandora for this assignment. I really enjoyed the layout and functionality of Pandora. Pandora is a very easy to use music program that plays like a streaming radio. You'll either get music from an artist, or like music from similar artists. This program could keep your ears happy for hours. It's definitely worth a look if you have a favorite band.

Web Based Apps

I believe that products like Google Documents and Spreadsheets are the future of computing. When one is able to access documents and spreadsheets anywhere functionality is maximized. Also, if one could access the internet from anywhere, any time these applications would be a major hit. They would be transcendent of the operating system, computer design, cell phone design, etc. These applications are very useful, however, I don't feel as though all of the Google applications are wonderful. I don't need another calendar to help me adjust. If Google was a calendar everybody, everywhere subscribed to I could go for it. I also don't have use for a lot of the other applications. I do like Google Earth, but unless everyone goes Google some applications aren't that helpful.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Wiki's Again

My blog is now registered as a "Favorite Blog." This exercise has been very helpful to me. I am now looking into using a Wiki along with my current Blackboard account for student employee information. I think that this could be very beneficial.


I prefer a Wiki over most conventional browsing options. I have been using Wikipedia for awhile and will confess it to be a minor addiction. I like having different customized Wiki's. For instance, I like to use Wikipedia as an encyclopedia, while I would use a more detailed Wiki for other, more detailed information. I like many of the aspects of a Wiki.

What I really like about Wiki's:

1. The search bar to navigate a Wiki is very useful. It is so easy to get into a Wiki and search for any information one is looking for. If one searches through a Wiki he'll also find that multiple titles within the Wiki could be identical. However, if for example, a movie and a TV show had the same title they could be subcategorized (Film) and (TV).

2. Information on a single page. I enjoy that a Wiki will chronicle tons of information about a single subject on a single page. And, if more information is needed about within that page a link can be clicked to go further with that piece of information.

3. Breakdown of materials. Within a Wiki one could review a book by giving a review of the beginning, middle, and end. Or, a speech could be broken down into similar headings. Making a Wiki readable seems to be quite an easy task.

4. I like the appearance. I am more drawn to the appearance of a Wiki and therefore would rather work with a Wiki than a blog. While a blog at times feels cluttered and hard to navigate; I feel right at home with a Wiki.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Library 2.0 & Web 2.0

Reading these progressive library pieces make me think of my experiences with libraries. I didn't care for going to the library when I was a child. I would find a children's title I enjoyed occasionally, but for the most part I wasn't into it. However, when I started working here I started getting into the library happenings. I loved the look of the 2nd floor and the future it conveyed. I also loved the fact that younger generations of patrons felt comfortable and enjoyed using the library. I have changed over from someone who didn't care for libraries, to a library staff member, and now a library staff member that wants to pursue library school and work within a library for a long time. I enjoyed reading the "Away from the "icebergs"" piece because I think it correctly painted the picture of an evolving library, which I find very exciting. I was at my parents house recently (Ironton, OH) and the drove past the local library which has been remodeled. I couldn't get enough of looking at the place. It now looks so warm and inviting. It's someplace that I would now love to go. I have been changed personally by changes within libraries and I think that the future of libraries is very exciting.


This is pretty cool if you're a big time blogger or looking for advice/something in particular. I seem to be having the same problem with a lot of these sites. I have been using the internet since 1996. After 11 years I am getting pretty good at navigating and finding information. So, I think that if one truly knows what to do when hunting for information these applications cost additional time. I would rather go the avenues I know work and have used with confidence over trying one of these applications. They are cool and sometimes you run into one that provides serious benefits (i.e., however, I really am having trouble getting into others.

Friday, July 20, 2007

I loved this tool. I would much rather use this to hit sites quickly as opposed to using an RSS feed and filtering through new updates. I think that folders would be nice, but I like the tags on the side. I have always like bookmarks and favorites and this makes it even easier to navigate the web. I really have enjoyed this exercise.

Thursday, July 19, 2007


Honestly I am not seeing much use for Rollyo. I think that it would be easier to use Google or the CTRL + F function of a keyboard within a webpage. I can see where this might be use if doing research and multiple websites (that updated frequently) were the source. However, it seems that an RSS feed may be able to do that trick. I don't think that I'll use it, but it's nice to know of.

Library Thing

I just took a look at "library thing." I found some of the tools interesting. I would rather stumble upon a book, or browse for one at a store over using an application of this nature. I guess that it is kind of cool to have a virtual bookshelf to glance at and see all of the titles read. I used mine to listed my 5 most recent books. Here is my "library thing."

Thursday, July 12, 2007


I get the biggest kick out of generators and using them to create new images. I really like the ones where you create something that is totally new. For example, I have already posted my fun M & M on here for viewing. This time I created a Simpson's character. I am not a big fan of the show, but had fun doing this. You can create your own at Go to create avatar on the top of the page. Have fun!


I like using the searching feeds at times, but I would much rather goes to sites and see things. I rarely use the RSS icon in Firefox, yet I always know that it's there, along with knowing its function.

Sunday, July 8, 2007


I have been playing around with RSS feeds and can't decide whether or not I like using RSS applications. I like the fact that RSS feeds show multiple websites and organize all the information well into one page. I also like that it shows you what is read and what is unread. However, if one only has a few favorite sites or blogs to read, why not use the favorites bar? At this point I would rather use favorites, but I could see myself using RSS someday.


I love working with technology and benefiting from new devices/applications. I love watching for Apple to come out with new products and would love an iPhone. But, at $500-$600 I believe that is more of a dream than reality. Right now my favorite piece of technology would be the Nintendo Wii. At $250 it is reasonably priced for a next generation console. It also has the Wii remote and sensor bar that make for a very interactive experience. It's lots of fun for anyone into, or possibly those not thrilled by video games.

My Trading Card

This is the trading card that I created for the blog. The image was created using the "Make your M&M" campaign website. It's pretty fun if you get the chance.

Flickr: Desk Image

I have posted and tagged an image on Flickr. The image is of my desk. The white strips in the middle are Ohiolink strips for Dewey searches. The mug has ties to lock down headphones. I can almost see Baker Center out of my window, but not at a straightaway view. Finally, in the bottom left corner you'll notice a mini Bengals helmet. Go Bengals!

Sunday, July 1, 2007

7 1/2 Habits

Hardest for me = Begin with an end in sight. This is difficult because I will tackle something without looking ahead. This is slowly starting to change.

Easiest for me = Use technology to your advantage. Technology surrounds me. So, I try my best to use it for good in my life. I love new technology and the amazing things one can create using technology.

Dish Network

I have to get this off my chest...well maybe not so much get it off my chest, but I need to share this with somebody. We recently purchased a subscription with Dish Network and it is amazing. I am very happy with the service and price. And, we get local channels which makes me very happy. I highly recommend Dish Network to anyone. I feel better now.


For the last two weeks my fiancee and I have been working on our new house with painting, cleaning, and all of the rest of the fun stuff that happens when you move. We painted every single space within the house including the closests and pantry. It was a solid 1 1/2 weeks of painting non-stop for both of us. By mixing the painting with house work and both of us continuing to work days made two very sleepy people. But, we're now completely painted and arranged. It feels so nice to have everything the way we want it. All the hard work as seemed to pay off and we're feeling very good about that.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Back to Days

I have been going on days for two weeks now. I am finally use to the change and enjoying the day shift. It's amazing what happens to your body when you switch the cycle to nights. Because I am in the middle of a move I have tons of painting to do. So, when I get home I could go forever at night, but once morning comes 10a feels so early. This never happened before, but it does now!